
Someone’s Hero

15... that’s how many bags of blood I’ve needed over my two  journeys with cancer. It is funny the stuff you remember. I’ve had more bags of platelets. I can only imagine how many people have given blood and/or platelets to help keep me alive. To everyone who has given blood, you don’t know this but you saved someone yesterday, today or you will save someone tomorrow. If you’ve ever thought about giving blood... do it. Be someone’s hero, even if you don’t get to meet them.

97 days

97 days... it has been 97 days since my big head sister saved my life (thank you Jazz).

It has been 97 days since my Stem cell transplant.

It has been 97 days of have a new immune system (and all the complication that go along with it) and life.

97... seems like a long time huh, to me it flew by. I’ve been spending those 97 days trying to get back to normal. Spending time with my two Zs. Enjoying being free from the hospital bed. Working...

In 3 more days I’ll find out how my transplant has melded with my bone marrow. I’m excited to see and if I might say... a little nervous. What ever might come I’ll take it and run with it, like I always have.
